How to Choose a Lift Chair that Will Outlast the Years

Lift Chair

High quality furniture is irreplaceable. A good functional piece is something you buy once and enjoy forever – and with modern manufacturing techniques bringing recliners near perfection, you can apply this philosophy to your lift chair as well. Lift chairs are mobility products by tradition but they’re also an investment.

Measurements and Construction

The chair measurements seem like they would be the easiest part but the sizing of your chair can affect usability over time – if you ever plan to lose or gain weight, you may want to factor those goals into the equation. If friends and family will want to use the chair too, you’ll want to make sure the sizing is as generic and versatile as possible.

It is a good idea to invest in a chair with a high weight limit regardless of your physique because they contain higher quality components that handle long-term stress better than ordinary components. Those inexpensive basic models are great but seek only the highest quality construction if you want your chair to last into the long-term.

Afterthoughts that Increase Longevity

Let’s imagine you chose an incredible chair that fits you well, and you made sure that the construction was sound and sturdy. You are off to a great start! The only downside to a great recliner is the urge to stay put and enjoy it. How well will that chair hold up to daily use and abuse? Whether you live alone or with children and pets, the chair is likely to show age the longer it sticks around.

This is why the upholstery is just as important as the mechanics. We all know the stereotype of the favorite chair that looks too ugly to keep but remains too comfortable to throw away. Don’t let that happen to your new recliner. Spending a little extra money on the highest quality upholstery available is an investment that will pay for itself over the life of your chair. Choose a color and texture that hides age well, and keep it away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Keep an eye out for accessories like under-seat pads to catch spills. Sometimes marketed as incontinence pads, they work just as well for general spills and pet messes. Slipcovers are another good idea if you can find a design that fits your particular lift chair model. Save money by getting the accessories when you buy your chair – click here for lift recliner chairs from USMedicalSupplies and explore the accessory packages available for each model.

Routine Maintenance and Service

Every lift chair needs a little routine maintenance now and again. Check the owner’s manual to get an idea of the maintenance schedule before you buy a particular model. The more complicated the lift chair, the more frequent the maintenance. Some have self-diagnostic features to let you know when a part is failing or going bad, a feature that helps avoid long phone conversations with customer support. Warranties are invaluable! Opt for the longest warranties and service agreements you can find.

Lift chairs are more comfortable and durable than ever before, and can last years longer than the recliners of decades past. Take some extra time to invest in only the best and watch as your lift chair returns that investment with years of faithful service.